Who we are

Every parent, carer or member of staff automatically becomes a member of the PCSA on joining the school and is invited to all PCSA meetings, which are held to organise fundraising, non-fundraising events and to discuss ideas for future events, as well as to decide what the money raised should be spent on.

The meetings are held regularly throughout the year and they take place at different times – some in morning, some in the afternoon and some in the evening – so that everyone who is interested in being involved has the opportunity to attend.

These are not set on our yearly calendar but will be arranged throughout the year. If you would like to know details of these meetings when they are arranged, please sign up on our 'Get Involved' page.

There is a formal PCSA committee that meets regularly. Our PCSA committee consists of the following positions: Chair, Treasurer and Secretary working alongside committee members. Elections for the positions are held once a year at the PCSA Annual General Meeting, which is held in the spring.

The aim of the PCSA is to bring parents, carers and staff together to support the school and to raise money.

PCSA activity varies from school to school but at King Athelstan we concentrate on the following:

  • Raising money to be spent on enhancing our children’s education
  • Running social events for parents and children
  • Providing support for school trips, outings and other special events

We provide an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal and, most importantly, allow all parents, carers and staff to get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time available.

Latest news

Welcome Back!
3 September 2024

Fashion Fabulous!
1 May 2024
WhatsApp Image 2023 12 15 at 14.22.01
What a weekend!
12 December 2023

Cakesale leaderboard

Year 1 Cake Sale
Year 2 Cake Sale
Year 6 Cake Sale
Fundraising donated to Save the Children
Reception Cake Sale
Year 5 Cake Sale
Year 3 Cake Sale
Year 4 Cake Sale