King Athelstan PCSA AGM 2023

30 March 2023 at the Spring Grove, Kingston upon Thames

In attendance:

Rachel Huggins, co-chair
Catherine Parsons, co-chair
Kate Corney, acting secretary
Caroline Dawes, treasurer
Fran Ballard
Stephen Carter-McLeod
Kathryn Davies
Sally Davies
Sandra Ho
Maria Kordeli
Paulina Kurdziel
Luiza Vedana
Caitlin McDonald
Tania Park
Monica Sibley
Jessica Skilbeck
Dominika Staszkiewicz-Miah


1. Welcome

Apologies from Sarah Grant-Duff and Justin Irwin.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Breakdown of fundraising between April 2022 and March 2023 (£22,252.55 in total): Jubilee Garden Party made £3543.72; Christmas Fair made £3577.83; Mr McLaughlin’s marathon raised £2204; the Three Peaks Challenge raised £6088.83. Other fundraising streams include cake sales, giving machine, a bequest (from the bursar’s aunt) and a
Waitrose collection organised by Kayleigh Lee’s aunt (around Three Peaks Challenge).

Breakdown of expenditure (£33,800.43 in total): Year 6 hoodies, bank charges and subscriptions, a transfer of £25,000 to the school ringfenced for the BOP; £2,400 on books to school; £1,500 miscellaneous equipment expenses (scanner for the library, sail shade for EYFS, gloves and world maps, outdoor planter, TT Rock Stars subscription, bean bag for Nurture)

In addition, £1,729.10 passed through our account for transfer to the DEC Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal – funds raised across two cake sales organised in February 2023. The PCSA account balance – now transferred from HSBC (who’d started charging) to Lloyds – is £7,253.33

3. Appointment of Committee Roles

Treasurer – Luiza Vedana nominated and appointed (having been recruited via School Weekly Digest, in light of Caroline’s appointment as chair of governors).

Chair – Emily Sleight, absent from meeting, had discussed taking on a committee role with Rachel Huggins, including the possibility of chairing. It was agreed Rachel would
explore this with her and confirm and attendees gave their consent for this to be formalised away from the meeting. Emily has since kindly agreed to take on the role.

Digital Comms/Website – Bushra Mahmood and Paulina Kurdziel elected to share these responsibilities: Paulina has volunteered to keep our web pages up to date if Bushra can handle the emails and mailing list.

Secretary – Dominika Staszkiewicz-Miah was nominated and appointed.

Vice Chair – Tania Park mentioned the possibility of taking on this role to help support the current committee. No formal appointment was made.

General committee members – Sarah Grant-Duff (absent) and Monica Sibley stepped forward to provide general support to the committee and are formally elected.

It was agreed that the wider WhatsApp group of active PCSA helpers and class reps would continue to support the new committee. A handover period is to follow for the first few weeks of Summer Term.

The outgoing committee was thanked for their work over the past two years.

4. Events Calendar

Details for Reception’s Easter Cake Competition (the following day, 31 March) were discussed and fine-tuned.

  • Cake sale dates agreed as follows (to be confirmed with Senior Leadership Team):

21 April - Year 3 cake sale
5 May - Year 4 Coronation cake sale
30 June - Year 1 cake sale
21 July (last day of term) - Year 2 cake sale - needs sign-off from school

  • Other events planned this term:

Thursday 20 April - Year 6 Games Night at the Black Horse
Friday 19 May - Year 6 Quiz Night at school
Saturday 17 June – Summer Fair
Fridays 7 and 14 July - Year 6 Lolly sales

  • Some of the parents and staff unable to complete the Three Peaks Challenge in 2022 are undertaking equivalent challenges to make up for this. Tania Park is off to Morocco to scale North Africa’s highest peak: details to be flagged in School Digest in case any other parents want to join her.

5. Other Fundraising Ideas

September date to be agreed for Staff v Parents football match (Caitlin to co-ordinate once a date has been agreed with Leadership Team)
Save the date: Christmas Fair Saturday 9th December? Would be good to get this on the calendar so families are aware asap.

6. AOB

Action points agreed:

  • Dates to take to Leadership Team (as outlined above): Rachel and Catherine
  • Y6 Hoodies: Kathryn and Sally to co-ordinate
  • TEN Licence from council for Quiz Night: Kathryn
  • Email about PCSA spending: Kate
  • Moroccan Trek details to Anita for Digest: Tania
  • Login details for digital team (Bushra and Paulina): Rachel and Catherine
  • Establish PCSA reps for all year groups (Reception to Y6): new committee
  • Handover with Emily B: Rachel and Catherine
  • Handover with Luiza: Caroline

What's on

  • Y6 Cake Sale
    Friday 25 October 2024, at pick up
  • Family Rave
    Saturday 23 November 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 and 16:30 to 18:30
  • Y5 Cake Sale
    Friday 29 November 2024, at pick up
  • Festive Fair
    Saturday 7 December 2024, 12:00 to 15:00
  • Y4 Cake Sale
    Friday 31 January 2025, at pick up
  • Gig Night
    Friday 31 January 2025, 19:00
  • Y3 Cake Sale
    Friday 28 February 2025, at pick up
  • Spring Showcase
    Thursday 13 March 2025

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Cakesale leaderboard

Year 4 Cake Sale
Year 6 Cake Sale
Year 5 Cake Sale
Year 3 Cake Sale
Year 2 Cake Sale
Reception Cake Sale